Finca La Requia Kaffee Trocknung

Finca La Requia

La Requia coffee plantation is located in the middle of the Asháninka Yánesha UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Villa Rica. In this growing area, biodiversity, nature conservation and economic development of the resident coffee farms are the priority. We are pleased to present especially this coffee in the form of a women's project!

The Finca La Requia is managed by Tania Andrade Gabancho. It is a small farm where much emphasis is placed on quality, sustainability and holistic integration into the local community. At an altitude of 1,600 meters, they grow organically grown Arabica coffee varieties Typica, Caturra, Bourbon and Geisha. Some of the lots have already won awards, thanks in particular to the Geisha coffees with their remarkably complex flavor profiles. Exciting fun fact: The finca has a certificate for its consciously "child-friendly" approach, because child labor is an absolute no-go at Tania Gabancho.