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Sonora Villalobos - Costa Rica Espresso

Sweet Cherry, Orange, Milk Chocolate

We owe this unique espresso from Costa Rica to our friends at Hacienda Sonora. It perfectly combines the flavors of cherries and oranges with a full round body, a sweet caramel note and a creamy chocolatey aftertaste.


Von tollen Farmern mit Liebe angebaut. 100% Arabica Kaffee, reif geerntet und sorgfälitg verarbeitet. Nachhaltig und fair gehandelt.


Unsere Dosen enthalten 50g und sind 100% recyclebar. Kein Mischmaterialien.


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19grams Dose 10
Sonora Villalobos - Costa Rica Espresso

Bloody Good Advent

– Seit 8 Jahren

Zum Kaffee

Sweet Cherry, Orange, Milk Chocolate

Süße: 4/5 Süßkirsche
Säure: 3/5 Orange
3/5 Milchschokolade

Varietät: Villalobos
Verarbeitung: Natural
Erntejahr: 2022/23
Trockungszeit: 15 days

1:2 - 19gr coffee for 40gr espresso yield in ca. 35 secs.

Über den Kaffee

The Villalobos variety is naturally processed. This means that after harvesting, the ripe cherries are spread out on a terrace together with the pulp and dried by the sun before the skin is removed. This allows the cherry to absorb the full flavor and sweetness of the fruit. Villalobos impresses with fruity, smooth and full-bodied characteristics.<br>When enjoying the espresso, a balanced fruity sweetness crystallizes with notes of cherries, caramel, oranges and exotic dried fruits. It has a chocolaty aftertaste reminiscent of "Cherry Garcia," Ben&Jerry's famous chocolate cherry ice cream.

Map Sonora Costa rica

Über die Farm

Hacienda Sonora is fueled with 100% green energy.

for many years
Farmer/ Produzent:
Diego Guardia
family owned farm

Land, Region: Costa Rica, Central Valley
1.400 masl
Bodentyp: vulcanic soils
Düngemethode: biologic
Schattentyp: grown in the shadow
Ort der Verarbeitung:
on the farm
Anzahl der Varietäten: 20 different ones
Oct - Feb

Mehr zur Farm

Alberto Guardìa has been growing coffee for over 50 years. His family farm - with the resonant name Hacienda Sonora, is located on the fertile foothills of the famous Poas Volcano in the West Valley, Costa Rica. It is largely surrounded by pristine virgin forest. The preservation of the rainforest is very important to the Guardìa family. Therefore, they simply let it grow and in it their coffee plants. The coffee trees ripen excellently under the protective roof of the shady trees: they receive enough moisture to develop optimally. As a source of energy for the entire finca, a Pelton turbine is used, which is driven by the water power of a stream. This raging, beautiful body of water supplies the entire finca with '100% Green Energy'. We have known the Guardìas for several years now and are happy to have met such an exceptional family that grows unique coffees every year with understanding and love for nature.

Espresso läuft durch Siebträger in 19grams Tasse

Bloody Good Espresso

Kaffee ist eine Frucht mit vielen natürlichen Fruchtsäuren. Wir rösten unsere Espressos so, dass sie feine Säurelinien entwickeln, aber auch die Süße hervorheben. 

Mit unseren Espresso-Röstungen präsentieren wir die intensiven Geschmacksprofile verschiedener Kaffee-Ursprünge. Entdecke unsere Single Origin Espressos - allesamt 100% Aracabica Kaffees, die von unserem Röstteam sorgfältig ausgewählt und schonend geröstet wurden.

Deinen Lieblingskaffee einfach online bestellen.

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