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Sonora Geisha - Costa Rica Espresso

Maple syrup, Mango, Apricot
Regular price
19,90 €
Regular price
Sale price
19,90 €
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    The first time we've ever roasted a Geisha lot for Espresso. This unique coffee from Costa Rica enchants us with gentle notes of maple syrup, mango and apricot.



    Wenn du zu Hause noch keine Mühle hast, dann mahlen wir den Kaffee gern nach deinen Wünschen. Klick einfach oben auf deine Zubereitungsvariante oder bestelle ganze Bohnen.

    Find the right grind. You can get the most out of your coffee by grinding your beans just before brewing. Take a look at the equipment selection if you are interested in a grinder.

    You can also select a grind level in each product if you want us to grind the beans for you. We use a Mahlkönig EK43 for this.

    Frenchpress and Aeropress are ground on the same setting.


    Von tollen Farmern mit Liebe angebaut. 100% Arabica Kaffee, reif geerntet und sorgfälitg verarbeitet. Nachhaltig und fair gehandelt.


    Frisch geröstet, verpackt und sicher mit DHL an dich geschickt.


    Unsere Standard-Tüten enthalten 250g und sind 100% recyclebar. Kein Mischmaterialien.


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    Scoring Card

    Die Kaffeekirsche kann bis zu 1.200 verschiedene natürliche Geschmacksnoten ausbilden. Je nach Standort und Varietät.

    Lerne mit der Scoring Card, den Geschmack im Kaffee zu verstehen. Stufe deinen Kaffee ein, indem du deine Scoring Card ausfüllst.

    Deine 250g 19grams Sonora Geisha Natural - Costa Rica Espresso Tüte
    19grams Geisha Rarität Kaffee Rückseite

    Geeignet für die Filter Zubereitung:

    Zum Kaffee

    Maple syrup, Mango, Apricot

    Süße: Mango
    Säure: medium
    Mundgefühl: silky
    Nachgeschmack: tropical and complex

    Varietät: Geisha
    Verarbeitung: Natural
    Erntejahr: 2021
    Trocknungszeit: 16 days

    1:2 – 19g coffee, with a yield of 40g in about 35 seconds

    Über den Kaffee

    The Geisha variety originated in Ethiopia, and was later brought to Central America. In Costa Rica, it was originally cultivated only because there was a severe fungal infestation in the local coffee plantations and the farmers were losing a lot. Fortunately, there was a solution: geisha varieties were resistant to this disease.

    The cherries were processed naturally. This method of processing is particularly environmentally friendly because, unlike washed coffee, it uses very little water.

    After harvesting, they are slowly dried in the sun so that all the sweetness of the ripe cherry can be absorbed. After 10-12 days of drying, the cherries are pulped – the dry skin separated from the beans – and stored for a few more days. This resting period is done at a certain temperature so that the beans reach a specific level of moisture.

    Map Sonora Costa rica

    Die Farm | Hacienda Sonora

    Diego Guadìas has a well-established team at Hacienda Sonora. He has been growing coffee for more than 50 years with the support of his family. The farm is located in the fertile foothills of the famous Poas Volcano in the West Valley, Costa Rica. It is more than a hundred years old, and the Guardìas family have been growing coffee for generations. More than 20 different varieties are cultivated on about 100 hectares, partly in the protected forest.

    The coffee trees ripen excellently under the protective cover of the trees, receiving enough moisture for their optimal development. A Pelton turbine is used as an energy source for the entire farm, driven by a nearby stream. This raging, beautiful body of water supplies the entire operation with 100% green energy.

    The Guardìas love to experiment with coffee varieties and processing methods. During the processing of the beans, great care is taken to protect the environment and especially the rainforest that surrounds them.

    Our partnership with the Guardìas is an asset to our coffee range and we are very happy to have them on board!

    for many years
    Farmer/ Produzent:
    Diego Guardia
    family-run business

    Land, Region: CR, Central Valley
    1300 masl
    Bodentyp: volcanic soil
    Düngemethode: organic
    Schattentyp: shade grown
    Ort der Verarbeitung:
    on the farm
    Anzahl der Varietäten: more than 20
    Dec - Feb

    Mehr zur Farm

    The Hacienda Sonora is located in the Central Valley in Costa Rica.

    Alberto Guardìa has been growing coffee for over 50 years. His family farm - with the melodious name Hacienda Sonora, is located on the fertile foothills of the famous Poas volcano in Costa Rica's West Valley. It is largely surrounded by untouched virgin forest. The preservation of the rainforest is very important to the Guardìa family. That is why they simply let it grow and in it their coffee plants. The coffee trees ripen excellently under the protective roof of the shady trees: they receive enough moisture to develop optimally. A Pelton turbine powered by the water power of a stream is used as the energy source for the entire finca. This raging, beautiful body of water supplies the entire finca with '100 % green energy'. We have known the Guardìas for a few years now and are happy to have met such an exceptional family that grows unique coffees every year with understanding and love for nature.

    Bloody Good Coffee

    – SEIT 2002

    Anthony Coe 19grams Röster

    Bloody Good Rockstar

    Kaffee ist eine Frucht mit vielen natürlichen Fruchtsäuren. Wir rösten unsere Kaffees, um diese Säuren herauszustellen, aber auch die Süße hervorzuheben. 

    Die Rockstars unter den Kaffees sind für uns all die Sorten, die besonders selten ist. Wir bei 19grams sind besonders stolz auf unser umfangreiches Sortiment der Raritäten. Denn ein Geisha-Kaffee schmeckt nur dann besonders gut, wenn der Röster regelmäßig erfahrungswerte beim Rösten sammeln. Wir rösten jede Woche verdammt gute Sorten - als einzige Rösterei in Deutschland.

    Deinen Lieblingskaffee einfach online bestellen.

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    • Direkt & Fair gehandelt

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